Home Page

Year 2 - Miss Craig

Welcome to Year 2!

My name is Miss Craig and I am very excited to be teaching in Year 2 at St Joseph's Primary school! Welcome to Year 2's class page, this is where you will some find key information and current learning the children are completing at the moment. We encourage positive attitudes towards learning and school life and we love to watch the children's individual achievements blossom throughout the year. 

We have been settling in to our classroom brilliantly since returning from the Summer holidays and we have loved watching the children's achievements so far.   

If you need to contact me for any reasons please don't hesitate to come and see me. 


Miss Craig and Miss Emilia :)

World Book 2019

Important Information

  • P.E day is Thursday - All children need to have full P.E Kits including their house coloured top.
  • Homework is given out every Friday and is expected to be returned the following Friday.
  • Please can you ensure that your child reads their book every night. Your child is expected to change their book in the morning if they have completed it.


Please feel free to come and see me if you have any worries or concerns,

thanks Miss Craig

Important dates for the Year:

Meet the teacher : Wednesday 12th September

Phonics workshop for parents: Thursday 4th October 2-3pm

Half term: 22nd- 28th October

Year 2 assembly: Thursday 21st March 

Parents Evening: Wednesday 21st November

KS1 Christmas Nativity: Thursday 13th December 2-3pm

Christmas Finish: Friday 21st December @ 1.30pm

Half term: 18th-22nd February

Parents Evening : Wednesday 13th March @ 3-7pm

Easter: 12th April - 26th April

KS1 Sats - May 

Half term: 27th - 31st May

Summer finish: Friday 19th July @ 1.30pm

A visit from Beavers - the beavers came into school for a taster session with the children to promote their club on a Friday Evening 6pm. The children toasted marshmallows, decorated biscuits, built a tent, played games and experienced sleeping in a tent! A fantastic morning for all, well done.

Internet safety day - 5th February. The children have been learning about ‘consent’ when online and they have created their own safety posters to remind people how to stay safe online.

Fun in the snow! 

The children have been very excited because there is a new climbing frame in the playground! There will be a timetable for each class to follow to ensure everybody is safe!

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