Wednesday 6th January 2021 Miss Heys and Mrs Beg |
8:30 am |
Get Up and get dressed. Make yourself some breakfast |
9:00 am |
Let’s Try Cosmic Kids Yoga |
Reading Comprehension |
Mr Majeika L.O. To retrieve and infer answers from a text
English |
Grammar – Word Classes Over the next two days we will be revising Word Classes – Nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs. L.O. To revise word classes – nouns
Introduction of new rule
Practice |
Spelling Rule – the j sound The ‘j’ sound can be spelt in lots of different ways. j – always comes before a, o and u. g – is a soft j and comes before e, i or y. ge – is at the end of words dge – is at the end of a word after the short vowel sound a,e,i,o or u.
Your new spellings this week are: jar, jam, gem, gentle, large, charge, badge, bridge, February, forward. Click the link to practise this weeks spellings. |
Maths |
White Rose Maths Revision Let's see what you remember! Number and Place Value Numbers to 1000 10 and 100 more or less than a number Representing numbers on a number line Partitioning 3-digit numbers
LUNCH – Make yourself some yummy lunch! |
Art |
Draw with Rob Do you want to learn how to draw a cartoon alligator, snowman, bird, monkey or an alien? Well open the link below and follow his simple step by step instructions. Maybe you can even draw a few different ones. |
Life Skill |
LIFE SKILL TIME Vacuum or brush the floors in your house |
Book Time |
Read your own book |