Miss Ostranica |
Welcome to our Year 3 page, here you will see lots of fun activities and learning that we have completed in class.
Our topic for the Spring and Summer term is There is no place like home.
We completed lots of Geography and history in the Spring term, all about Preston. We will now compare this information to the Lake District and see how different it is.
Important information-
-Now your child is now in the juniors they can bring in their own play time snack, please ensure this is appropriate for school such as a piece of fruit.
- Homework will be given each Friday and must be handed in by the following Thursday. Homework will include a list of spellings for the children to learn for the weekly spelling test.
- P.E is on a Tuesday morning, PE kits will stay in school and only taken home for a wash at half terms.
Please ensure your child brings in other suitable clothes for any sports clubs.
- I expect every child to read every day at home. Reading is a vital part of learning, helping children develop many different skills. They can change their reading book each morning, if they have finished the one they are reading.
We look forward to working with you in order to help your child develop,
Miss. Ostranica and Mrs. Parkinson