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Year 3- Miss Ostranica

Miss Ostranica




Welcome to our Year 3 page, here you will see lots of fun activities and learning that we have completed in class. 


Our topic for the Spring and Summer term is There is no place like home. 

We completed lots of Geography and history in the Spring term, all about Preston. We will now compare this information to the Lake District and see how different it is. 


Important information-

-Now your child is now in the juniors they can bring in their own play time snack, please ensure this is appropriate for school such as a piece of fruit. 

- Homework will be given each Friday and must be handed in by the following Thursday. Homework will include a list of spellings for the children to learn for the weekly spelling test. 

- P.E is on a Tuesday morning, PE kits will stay in school and only taken home for a wash at half terms. 

Please ensure your child brings in other suitable clothes for any sports clubs. 

- I expect every child to read every day at home. Reading is a vital part of learning, helping children develop many different skills. They can change their reading book each morning, if they have finished the one they are reading. 


We look forward to working with you in order to help your child develop, 

Miss. Ostranica and Mrs. Parkinson smiley


World Book Day 2019

20th June- We kicked off Outdoors week by spending the day at Beacon Fell. We had a lot of fun exploring nature, hiking and building dens.

Cash for Kids. Super hero day 2019.

Lucy’s blue day -Today Chris Duke came in to read us his new book. It is a wonderful book all about feelings and emotions. It teaches us that it is ok to have sad and down days and that the next day we can be happy and smiley again. I would recommend buying it for at home.

Story telling week

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We are retelling the story of Tiddler by Julia Donaldson in the Talk For Writing style with actions. But we have also added suitable musical instruments. We played the instruments and listened to the different sounds they make in order to decide which would fit in to our story.

Story telling week. We had lots of fun this week. Our class book was Tiddler. We completed lots of writing based on Julia Donaldson books. We completed art work and even created some Book marks for DT.

Dance dance dance! We are very lucky, each Wednesday morning we have been having dance lessons. The theme is Newspaper, which fits perfectly with our English unit. Her are some pictures from our sessions so far.

Our class assembly.

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During our class assembly, all about the Epiphany, we retold the story of the three kings. We did so in the style of Talk For Writing. We created actions to match the story to help us remember it.

Oh dear, it seems someone has been wandering around school. Scraps of metal were found in our classroom. We believe there must be some sort of Metal monster on the loose. Beware!🤖🤖

January 2019- In computing we are starting to learn which fingers are used to press which keys on a qwerty keyboard, this will help us be quicker at typing. We painted our finger nails to match the colour key to help us remember.

This morning a dragon egg was delivered to class. We are so excited for it to hatch. We are going to look at writing about our baby dragon. Hopefully it is not a fire breathing dragon. 🐲🐉

9th November- Today we talked more about rememberance day and how we show our respect and thanks by wearing our Poppy’s. We created some poppy pictures.

5th November- we created our own fireworks to celebrate bonfire night. We also discussed why we celebrate bonfire night, talking all about Guy Fawkes.

31st of October- We made some delicious popcorn cones for a Halloween treat. Miss. Ostranica brought in her popcorn maker, it was so much fun.

Friday 28th September- Today we had a day themed around Mindfulness. We completed lots of activities learning all about having a fixed or growth mindset. We learned how to change our negative thoughts in to positive ones such saying I CAN instead of I can’t. We set goals for oursleves and also completed some mindful yoga.

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