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Week Commencing 01.02.21

Day Activity/Challenge Extra Learning

Choose your favourite storybook.

Can you draw a picture from the book?

Why do you like the book, Who is your favourite character and why?

I would love to know your favourite stories, send me their replies and pictures on dojo!

Maths sequencing


Complete a jigsaw


Using an old pair of socks make puppets! Use any resources you have around the house to make eyes and a mouth.

Retell your favourite story or even make up your own and have a puppet show!

Phonics listening game.


Make a ball game outside.

Can you catch, throw, kick a ball?


Discuss the different emotions happy, sad, angry, scared.

How are you feeling today? 

What make you happy/sad?

How can we help someone feel happy?

What makes a kind friend?

Can you draw a picture of the different emotion faces?

Lucy's blue day story.


Can you make a bug house outdoors using twigs, leaves and cardboard tubes?



Listen to the story 'We're going on a bear hunt.'

Can you make a bear hunt at home? Take your hands, feet or toys on a bear hunt!

Examples.....Grass from outdoors or green paper, water, mud from outdoors or sand, cotton wool for snowstorm, twigs for forest.


Going on a bear hunt.


Can you make a necklace using a piece of string and pasta?


Using two toilet rolls and some string tubes make a pair of binoculars, go on a bear hunt looking for your teddies!


Bear hunt cosmic yoga


Using your binoculars go and look for bugs in your bug house.




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