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April- Our summer term topic is Europe and Italy in particular. We have already located Italy on the world map and used atlases to look at different parts of Europe.

Friday 16th March- Today we completed some Design technology. We plannned, created and evaluated our Egyptian Shadufs.

Tuesday 6th February- Today we looked at lots of different aspects of Ancient Egypt. We looked at hieroglyphics and decorated our own canonic jars, we looked at different Egyptian Gods and also created our own Death masks.

Monday 30th January- Today we looked at the mummification process. We wrote a set of instructions and followed them step by step to make our very own mummy.

Monday 22nd January- we looked at Egyptian society. We learned about the different roles people had within Egyptian society, looking at the most important and powerful people and the least powerful people.

9th January- Egyptian day- To start our new topic Mr. Egypt came and gave us a very formative day we learned lots of facts and heard lots of stories. We looked at lots of aspects of Ancient Egypt from mummification and hieroglyphs. Here are some pictures of our day.

11th October- Today we looked at the Bill of mortality, this was used to show the causes of death around the time of the Plague. We created our own Bills of Mortality, we used the style of the artist Jean Basquiat.

19th September- We created freeze frames to show what life was like during The Great Plague. The children became different characters such as children who had the plague, they had to think about who their character was and how they will have felt.

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