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Monday 8th February 2021

PE With Joe 2021

Spelling Test

Ask your parents or another member of your family to test you on your spellings: irregular, irresistible, irresponsible, irreparable, irrelevant, mismatch, treasure, sleepily, international, autograph and eighty

OR open the link below and complete the online  test


Please send me your score on Class Dojo.

Guided Reading

8.2.21 Guided Reading.mp4

Still image for this video

8.2.21 English.mp4

Still image for this video

Equivalent Fractions-Part 2

New Spelling Rule and Spelling Practice

This week we are going to be focussing on some statutory words for Year 3 and Year 4.

Your spellings this week are: obvious, muscle, decision, illegal, antique, tongue, enough, reign, affect, comprehension

Some of these words you have been given already but there is never harm in practising them again.

You can either practise the spellings by clicking on the link below or selecting an activity from the Spelling Menu document below.

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