Home Page

Reception 2-Mrs Gardiner


Mrs Gardiner


Welcome to our class page! 


Here you will be able to find some useful information and see some of the things that we have been doing in class. 


In Reception 2 this year, we are going to be very busy, learning lots of new things, having lots of new experiences and most importantly, having lots of fun! We really hope that your child will enjoy their time at St Joseph’s and be happy in school, but if you ever have any concerns or questions, please feel free to come in and see us. The sooner we know about an issue, the sooner we can help. 


Learning Through Play


In Reception, we do most of our learning through play. This means that your child might come home looking a bit mucky at times! However, each splodge and stain, mark and mess shows just how much learning your child has done that day. Therefore, we hope that you will forgive the marks on your child’s clothes each day! 







World Book Day

Useful Information 




We do P.E. on Monday mornings so your child will need their P.E. kit in school for this day. P.E. kits consist of black pumps and shorts and your child will need a t-shirt in their house colour. If you are unsure which house your child is in, please come and ask. I have a list! 




The children will be using our outdoor area every day, regardless of the weather. Please ensure that your child has a suitable coat with them every day, even if the sun is shining in the morning. 



Snacks and Drinks

We will give your child a healthy snack each day as well as a carton of milk. They have access to water throughout the day, although you may wish to send them with their own water bottle. You do not need to send them with any snacks. 

How You Can Help At Home




Reading books have been sent home and will be changed at least once a week. Please make sure that you read with your child every night and that you record what you have read together in your child’s Reading Record Book.  

Reading books should be kept in your child’s book bag and be brought into school every day so that your child can read to an adult in class.




Learning Together Books

A new task will be added to your child’s Learning Together Book each week. These tasks should give you a little insight into what we have been doing in class that week and allow you to see the progress that your child is making throughout the year. They are designed to be completed together, particularly at the start of the year, when your child will need more help with their writing. 





We will be teaching your child to read and write using phonics this year. This involves teaching them to recognise the sound that each letter (or group of letters) makes. The sound that a letter makes is different to its letter name, which your child will also be expected to know by the end of the year. 

The video below will help you to identify the sound that each letter of the alphabet makes, as well as its letter name. We will be using this video in class with your child, so please feel free to have a watch of it together so your child can begin to learn it. You might want to join in too!

ABC Phonics Song - UK Version

This song will help your child to distinguish the beginning sounds of each letter in the alphabet with the associated word and picture. A great way to sing and learn Phonics!

Cursive Letter Formation

We will be teaching your child cursive letter formation this year. This will help them when they are ready to join their letters further up the school. 

The video below will show you how each letter is formed so that you are able to support your child when they are writing at home. 

Cursive Handwriting: How to Write the Alphabet

This is a cursive writing demonstration video showing how to write the letters of the alphabet. It models how to write the letters of the alphabet using cursive script. Cursive handwriting is commonly taught in schools across the world.

Move and Groove!

Still image for this video
This half term, the children will be doing Move and Groove on a Friday morning. We had our first session this morning and it was great fun! The children moved and grooved and learnt about the importance of exercise, as well as a healthy diet, for staying fit and well. 😊

The Balloon Race

Making Soup

Handa’s Surprise

This week we have been reading Handa’s Surprise. The children have listened carefully for describing words in the story, given the animals special names like “Millie Monkey”, drawn and labelled pictures of fruit and they have tasted some of the fruits from the story (we weren’t quick enough to get any pictures!). It has been a very busy but very fun week! 

Big Friends and Little Friends! 


This afternoon we have really enjoyed meeting our new Big Friends from Year 6. Our Big Friends will be our special friends. They will keep an eye out for us around school and they will help us on the playground if we need them to. 😊

Just in case you missed it this morning, here is the PowerPoint Presentation that we showed in our assembly. 


Have a lovely half term!

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