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smileyWelcome to St. Joseph's Nursery pagesmiley

The Nursery team are; Mrs. Hardwick, Mrs. Beg, Miss. Hastie and Mrs Topping.


On this page we will keep you up to date on what is going on, what we are learning, celebrations and acheivements in Nursery.


smileyAbout St. Joseph's Nurserysmiley


St Joseph’s Nursery is an established Nursery with an experienced class teacher and staff. We offer 15 hour free entitlement places for children after their 3rd birthday, (There is no additional ‘top up’ option available), for 5 mornings per week.

We offer exciting first hand experiences for children and aim to help them develop on a personal, social and emotional level through play and adult led activities. Through careful observations we identify children’s needs and plan activities to meet them.

Our team of staff work hard to help children settle into the regular routines and develop secure relationships. We endeavour to establish a close partnership with you, working as a team to share and celebrate your child’s progress.

We have a fantastic outdoor area and we encourage our children to explore both the internal and external environment and to challenge themselves; be creative and be confident when encountering new experiences.

No words can be a supplement for a visit.

We warmly encourage parents to visit to make sure our Nursery is right for your child.



Pirate and Under the Sea day - Thursday, 5th July.



Don’t forget the Nursery and Reception classes are having a ‘Pirate and Under the Sea’ dressing up day. You can be a pirate or a sea creature or a ships mate. We will be walking the plank, making hats, baking ships biscuits- no maggots though and lots more fun things!

On Thursday when our pirate ships were dry we tested them to see if they would float or sink. The children said what they thought might happen and then tested their ships.

Tuesday, 26th June. We made some pirate ships from junk. Thank you Mr and Mrs L for supplying the materials.

On Thursday, 21st June, Marissa the Mermaid lost some scales from her tail. We investigated some materials that might be waterproof to replace her lost scales

June 2018. We have been looking at different fish using non fiction books. We went to have a look at the fish tank in the reception area of the ‘big’ school.

June 2018. The children mixed blue and green paint with black and white paint to investigate colour tinting. We used their creations to make an amazing under the sea back ground display.

Welcome back to the final school term!


We hope you had a lovely half term and enjoyed the weather. This half term our topic will be 'Under the Sea.' We will be looking at things that live in the sea, investigating things that float on the water and things that sink. We will be reading books about fish and pirates. We hope to have a pirate themed day with the reception children and the staff to help the transition of the nursery children into the reception class. More details about this will follow. 

Under the Sea

Thank you very much to all the parents who came to sports day and well done to the winning team- the Koalas. 

Nursery Sports Day May 2018

Thank you very much to all of you who came to our nursery royal wedding party. We hope you had a good time. 
This week we have been doing “royal” things in preparation for our wedding party on Friday. The children made some “junk” model castles for the royal couple to get married in! Look what they made in the take a peek section of the web page! 

Don't forget the royal wedding party. 

Friday, May 18th – royal wedding party 10.30am onwards – nursery parents are invited. Children may come dressed as princes and princesses or kings and queens or in their party clothes. We will be doing ‘Royal’ things and there might even be cucumber sandwiches! Please come and join in the celebration with your child.

Please let us know if you can come as soon as possible.


Welcome back!



The Nursery team would like to wish you welcome back to Nursery and the Summer term. We hope you all had a lovely Easter. This term we will be looking at animals, in our topic of " All Creatures Great and Small" 

We will look at farm animals, wild animals, Arctic animals and lots more. Some of the ideas are available on the topic web in the Curriculum news tab of the Nursery page.

In RE our topic is all about "New Life and Good News". As we are still in the period of Easter we will be celebrating and remembering Jesus' resurrection and looking at baby animals in our animal topic. 

This term we are starting our Read Write Inc phonics sessions as well as continuing with the Talk Boost sessions. We will be sending home some sheets with ideas for you to help you support your child in their language development.  Please continue to read with your child every day as this will help them immensely in their vocabulary development, speaking and listening skills. 

Meet the Nursery team!

Mrs Topping, Miss Hastie, Mrs Beg and Mrs Hardwick.

11th March 2018.

This week we have been looking at people who help us. The children have enjoyed being fire fighters. Next week we will be looking at some more people who help us and talking about what the children might like to be when they grow up. 

The Nursery team hope you loved the mother's day cards the children made for you and that you had a good mother's day. 

We have a very busy few weeks. We have read the a Story of the Gingerbread man and tested which biscuits were best for dunking in a cup of tea. We’ve been scary giants after reading Jack and the beanstalk in our role play castle. We have planted some beans. Have a look at some photos of what we have been up to! 

Spring term 2018


Welcome back to Nursery! 


The Nursery team hope you all had a lovely Christmas break. We wish you a very warm welcome back to Nursery and the Spring term. This term our topic is 'Traditional Stories' 

We have two new children who have started Nursery this term, Ria and Adam, the 'old' children have made them feel very welcome and the 'new' children are already making friends. 


We are very busy in Nursery at the moment practising our Nativity play.

Please come and see us on Tuesday, 12th December at 10.00am in the main school hall. 

The Nursery team wish you a warm welcome back to Nursery after the half term. We hope you had a lovely break. 

 Our topic this half term is ' Celebrations,' we will be looking at bonfire night and fireworks, having a wedding and a birthday. We will end the term with one of the greatest celebrations, Christmas. 

Please feel free to share your family celebrations with us, we love to see photographs and hear what the children have been up to. 


In RE we talked about who loves us. We read 'Guess How Much I love You' by Sam McBratney and showed how much we love people.

Marvellous Maths Day 26.10.17

Playing in the autumn sun.

Anyone for dinner?

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