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Year 1 - Miss Morgan and Mrs Pilkington

Miss Morgan 

    Every Monday and Tuesday

            Mrs Pilkington

Every Wednesday to Friday


Letter for Swashbuckle

Year 1


Thank you for visiting our class page, here you will find lots of useful information about what we are learning and what children will need to bring to school.  PLEASE NOTE OUR P.E. DAY IS NOW WEDNESDAY!


This term we are learning all about the Great Outdoors!

Our role play area is a Vet Surgery until June and then we will be making a beach with a shop and hut. If you have any children's deckchairs, small inflatables,shells, buckets and spades,etc that you could donate to our role play we would be very grateful.  Thanks



Healthy Me Week

Year 1 classroom and St Patrick's day Assembly

Jolly Phonics Alphabet Song

Still image for this video
This is the letters and sounds song we are using in class. Why not sing along and sound out at home?!
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