Home Page

Year 2B

Mrs G Taylor

Welcome to 2B!


We are so excited to start the school year with you children! We looking forward to lots of fun, learning, imagination and creativity. You will be able to find key dates and information on this page, alongside the children's learning. 


Our Autumn topics will be 'Covenant and Creation' in RE, 'The way back home' by Oliver Jeffers in English, Coasts in Geography and number in Maths. 


Important information

  • PE day is Friday - Your child will need PE top, black shorts and pumps/ trainers
  • Your child will need a water bottle in school every day
  • Please read with your child every day. They must read their book 3 times before changing it for a new one
  • Homework will be given out on a Friday and must be returned by the following Wednesday


Please feel free to come and see me if you have any questions or concerns, or you can message me on class Dojo.


Mrs Taylor and Miss Jones

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