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Penetecost. Penetecost is a special time that we have been learning all about. The disciples were given a special gift from the Holy Spirit. They were able to speak many different languages so they could spread the word of God.

ST JOSEPHS DAY. We created some lovely cross pictures to celebrate St. Joseph’s day.

Prayers recently written independently by members of year 3.

January - Father Millar came in to speak to us today. He told us all about the different parts and readings during mass. He also told us why certain aspects of mass take place and what they represent. This will certainly help those of us who will be taking our Holy Communion this year.

December- Look at our lovely nativity scenes. We had lots of fun creating these. We learned all about the people that visited Jesus when he was born.

7th November- Today we started our new unit all about having Trust In God, We discussed who we can trust and put our trust in each other to the test by carrying out some tasks that required us to trust our partners. We then discussed how we trust God and the path he has for us. We talked about things we ask God for and why he doesn’t always give us these things. We decided that sometimes we are asking for the wrong thing and sometimes the things we ask God for are not in the path he has for us.

October- we have been learning all about the bible. We have discussed how to find psalms and about the old and New Testament. Today we discussed how the bible is used in church. We used role play to show the most important reading. The reading from the gospel.

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