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Remote Learning

Hello everybody, Yayy!!! We cant wait to have you all back on the 8th March! This will be the final week of remote learning, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those that have taken part and sent me work. 

Thursday is world book day, so i thought we would celebrate this with looking at some of our favourite stories we like to read with an activity for each story.

Please find below weekly challenges and learning for you and your child to complete together, this will be beneficial to support their learning and give you an insight to your child's development. Click on the stars below labelled week commencing.

If you have any questions or queries please do not hesitate to contact me on class dojo, and please send me any work your child has completed. I look forward to seeing your work and creations!

This term we will be looking at farm animals, growing and planting, spring and also celebrating world book day, Mothers day and Easter.

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