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Tuesday 23rd February 2021


Tuesday 23rd February 2021

Mrs Newton

8:30 am

Get Up and get dressed.

Make yourself some breakfast

9:00 am

Use the video below to complete the wake up exercises.  


Journey to the Lonely Mountain (2)

LO: To answer inference questions.

Watch the video below Guided Reading 23.2.21

Open the attachment Tuesday 23rd February Guided Reading. Read the text and answer the questions.

Mark your work using the answer sheet. Send me your scores on Class Dojo.


  LO: To identify sentence openers.

Play the video introducing sentence openers 23.02.21 English.

Open the attachment Tuesday 23rd February English showing the story of Journey to the Lonely Mountain.

Read through the story again and write down or underline all of the sentence openers that you can see.

Sort the sentence openers into the table to show their purpose.

Challenge: Can you think of one more sentence opener of your own for each column?



Recap of the rule




LO: To spell words with the c sound spelt ‘ch’


Some words in the English language have words that include a sound that sounds like ‘c’ but is spelt with a ‘ch’.



Click on the link to practise spelling the words that follow the ch sounding like c rule.

 Spelling practise




LO: To count pounds

Watch the video below and complete the tasks on the attachment.


LUNCH – Make yourself some yummy lunch!


Before half term during P.E. you learnt how to perform different balances, rolls and jumps. This week after you have completed the warm up you will be putting together a sequence of balances, rolls and jumps. Enjoy!

Life Skill


Wash the pots!

Book Time

Take some time to relax and enjoy reading a book.


Andy's Wild Workouts | Up in the Air

Andy meets creatures that spend most of their lives up in the air. He meets spectacular birds like the fantail and hummingbird but also the unusual atlas mot...

23.2.21 Guided Reading.mp4

Still image for this video

23.2.21 English.mp4

Still image for this video

Maths - L.O: To count pounds

Watch the video below that explains how to count pounds and then complete the worksheet below.


Before half term during P.E. you learnt how to perform different balances, rolls and jumps. This week after you have completed the warm up you will be putting together a sequence of balances, rolls and jumps. Enjoy!

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