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Year 1B

Mr N Nickeas

Welcome to Year 1B!


We are excited to teach your children this year and be a part of their learning journey. We have Mrs Rochford who is supporting in our classroom and we will all work together to create the best learning environment for the children. We look forward to sharing what we learn together and to make this an enjoyable year for everyone!


Thank you!

Mr Nickeas and Mrs Rochford 

Our Learning Journey:

English: In English this half term we will be focusing on thinking of and writing sentences with the correct punctuation.  We will then look at the story of 'Lost and Found'.

Maths: In Maths this half term, our units will cover place value to 10, before moving onto place value to 20.  We will also be working to develop our counting and mental maths skills.
Topic: Our topic for Autumn 1 is looking at our local area in Geography where we will learn all about the physical and human features of Preston. We will also be going on a walk around our local area.  

Science: In science we will be learning all about 'Materials'. We will look at a variety of materials, discover the properties of these materials and investigate what these materials could be used for.
RE: In RE we are going to be exploring a unit called 'Creation and Covenant'.

Computing: In computing we’re covering the 'Online Safety' and 'Grouping and Sorting' units on Purple Mash.


We use the Read Write Inc. Phonics scheme. Phonics begins everyday at 9am so it is important children are in school on time ready to go! The following video shows the sounds we learn this year and you can practise at home too!

Speed Sounds Set 2 and 3 for Reception and Foundation Stage

Important Information

  • PE days are on a Wednesday afternoon. Children need their PE kit and black pumps. We will send PE kits home at half-term to then be returned when the children come back in. 
  • Homework is sent out on a Friday and needs to be returned by the following Wednesday.
  • Reading books are sent home each day with a reading record. When your child reads to you, please sign their diary. It is important to read every night with your children.


Thank you!

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