Home Page

Year 2B

Mrs Taylor

Welcome to Year 2!



Welcome to Year 2's class page. This is where you will find some key information and current learning the children are completing at the moment. We encourage positive attitudes towards learning and school life and we love to watch your child's individual achievements blossom throughout the year. 

We have been settling in to our classroom brilliantly since returning from the Summer holidays and we have loved watching the children's achievements so far.   

We use Class Dojo to communicate with parents and you can send me messages via Dojo if necessary.  I am usually available at the end of the school day if you ever have any questions or concerns, feel free to come and have a word!

Mrs Taylor and Miss Jones



Out topics this term will focus on being 'Covenant and Creation (RE), animals (Science), coasts and the local area (Geography) and number (Maths). Children will also develop their skills in PE, Art, PSHE, Spelling, Handwriting and even participate in a Spanish lesson!


Our focus for English this term will be story writing using 'The Way Back Home' and 'Big Bad owl'.



  • All children are expected to have a PE bag in school. This must include PE top, shorts and pumps.

Year 2 will do PE on FRIDAY AFTERNOON.


  • Please ensure your child brings a water bottle to school
  • Please ensure your child brings a school bag to school every day with their reading book inside.
  • Please ensure all children are wearing correct uniform - jumpers, trousers / skirts / schools shoes. No trainers.
  • Homework will be given out on a Friday and is expected to be returned the following Wednesday. 
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