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Tuesday 26th January 2021


Tuesday 26th January 2021

Mrs Newton

8:30 am

Get Up and get dressed.

Make yourself some breakfast

9:00 am

Use the video below to complete the Joe Wicks exercises to warm you up and get you ready for the day.  


Fantastic Mr Fox

LO: To answer vocabulary and summary questions.

Watch the teaching video below Guided Reading 26.1.21

Open the attachment Tuesday 26th January Guided Reading. Read the text and answer the questions.

Mark your work using the answer sheet. Send me your scores on Class Dojo.


LO: To use different sentence types.

Play the video below Tuesday 26th January English

Open the attachment below Tuesday 26.1.21 English

Complete the tasks in your workbook then mark your answers using the answer sheet.

Send me your scores on Class Dojo.



Recap of rule





LO: To add the suffix –ly to root words.


When we add –ly onto an adjective like nice it turns it into an adverb (nicely). For some root words we can just add ly straight onto the root word. For words ending in –le we must swap the –le for an -ly


 Spelling Practice

Follow the link and use the game to practice spelling each word following this rule.




LO: To multiply by 8

Starter: Complete the questions in your workbook.

1. Add 3 ones to five hundred and fifty 8.

2. 3 x 2 =

3. 30 divided by 3 =

4. 3 x 5 =

5. Complete the missing number 804 - _____ = 194


Main Teaching:

Watch the video below explaining all about multiplying by 8.

Open the attachment Maths 26.1.21.

Complete the questions and have a go at the challenge.


LUNCH – Make yourself some yummy lunch!


Click on the PE link on our class page and have a go at some of the activities to keep you fit and healthy!

Purple Mash

Use your log in to take some time to play some learning games on Purple Mash

Life Skill


Wash the pots!

Book Time

Take some time to relax and enjoy reading a book.

CBeebies | Andy's Wild Workouts


This week is different rolls.  Make sure you have lots of space. Remember to always warm up first.  Why not go back and practice the balances you did last week.

Tuesday 26th January Guided Reading.mp4

Still image for this video

Tuesday 26th January English.mp4

Still image for this video

L.O: To multiply by 8

Watch the video below to learn how to multiply by 8 and then complete the worksheet - do not forget to try the challenges too.

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