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Year 5/6

Mrs Ownes and Miss Jarvis

Spring Term 2022

 Happy New Year and welcome back to a brand new term! 

Our topic this term is 'WW2' and we have lots of exciting and challenging lessons to look forward to, as well as a visit to the Museum to explore what life was like living in Preston in WW2. In our Science lessons we will be learning about 'Materials and their Properties' this will give us lots of opportunities to carry out investigations.


In maths, we will be continuing with fractions for the first half term and then moving onto decimals in the second part of the Spring term.

Our class Novel is "Goodnight Mr Tom" which links with our history and we are going to be writing our own flashback stories and formal letters linked to it. 


We will keep you updated with key information and photographs on our Class Dojo page and we will also upload photographs of our learning on here too.



  • Homework will go out on Fridays. The children will be work in their homework books/online work to complete at home and it will be due back on the Wednesday the following week.
  • Every Monday your child will bring home a new spelling list to practise, ready for a spelling test the following Monday. 
  • Children are expected to read regularly at home and have their reading records signed. It is advised that they do this every evening.
  • PE this term will be on Wednesday afternoon. The children will need to keep their kit in school until the end of the term when they will be able to bring it home to wash.




Year 5/6 - Mrs Owens and Miss Jarvis

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