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Thursday 21st January 2021


Thursday 21st January 2021

Miss Heys

9:00 am

Join in with the Sid Shuffle below.

Guided Reading

Romans on the Rampage

LO: To answer vocabulary and explanation questions.

Today you will think about the skills that you have learnt during this week and use them to answer questions based on our class novel.

Open the attachment Thursday 21st January Guided Reading

Read the pages of the book and answer the questions that follow. When you have finished, use the answer sheet to mark your work. Send me your marks on Class Dojo!


LO: To use conjunctions in writing.

Open the attachment Thursday 21st January English.                                        

 Read the text in Task 1 about Mr Bump’s Day. Write down all of the conjunctions that you can see in the text.

Task 2: Look at the plan of Mr Lazy’s day. Use the plan to write your own account of Mr Lazy’s day using conjunctions to join main clauses and subordinate clauses.

Task 3: Look through your description of Mr Lazy’s day. Underline the conjunctions that you have used.

 Don’t forget to punctuate your writing properly!                     

Send me your writing on Class Dojo.



Introduction of new rule






L.O: To use words with the suffix ‘-ous’


suffix is a letter or a group of letters that can be added to a word to change its meaning. Adding the suffix -ous turns a noun into an adjective. It means 'full of'.

If a root word ends in e, we drop the e before adding –ous.


Open the spelling document below and complete the activity.


 LO: To multiply by 4

Starter: Complete the questions in your workbook.

1. 447 + ______ = 507

2. 30 divided by 5 =

3. Add 385 and 175 together.

4. 444 – 333 =

5. 40 pencils are shared between 5 children. How many pencils will each child receive?


Watch the video where it explains how to multiply by 4.

Open the attachment Thursday 21.1.21 Maths

Complete the questions and then have a go at the challenge.


Watch the videos below and then complete the Venn Diagram activity.

Life Skill


Can you hoover a room in your house?

Why don't you move to the 'Sid Shuffle' this morning to wake yourself up!

The Sid Shuffle - Ice Age: Continental Drift

L.O: To multiply by 4

Watch this video and then complete the worksheet below - do not forget to have a go at the challenge questions.

Science - Animals including Humans lesson 2

Still image for this video
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