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On Maths day, the children completed lots of exciting activities. Our favourite activity was linking Art and Maths. The children created a picture in the style of Picasso and found the different types of angles inside the picture. Ask your child what angles we found.

This term, we are concentrating on our times tables. We have been exploring 6 times table facts and how to use them. The children have been using vein diagrams, playing closest to 100 and hit the button on the I pads to help them become more fluent in there times tables. Please practise your times tables every night!

In Maths, we have been roundin numbers to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000. We have been investigating numbers when rounding, playing the rounding game and completing the rounding challenge on the IPads. Ask you child wha5 the rules for rounding are and why we do it.

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