Wednesday 13th January 2021 Miss Jarvis, Mr Hicks & Mrs LaRocque |
8:30 am |
Get Up and get dressed. Make yourself some breakfast |
9:00 am |
Let’s Try Cosmic Kids Yoga https://www.youtube.com/user/CosmicKidsYoga or P. E. sessions with Joe Wicks on a Monday , Wednesday and Friday https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAxW1XT0iEJo0TYlRfn6rYQ
Guided Reading |
Tutankhamun’s Tomb – Part Two L.O. To retrieve and infer answers from a text
English |
Speech Marks (Inverted commas) and Speech Verbs
LO: To plan a conversation.
Open the attachment: Wednesday 13.1.21 English Read the information about conversations. Have a go at the recap questions and check your answers using the next page. Task 1: Look at the pictures of the Brown Family. Use the skills that you have learnt this week to write a piece of speech for each character in the picture. Task 2: Watch the video of ‘Snack Attack’ about the old woman and young boy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=38y_1EWIE9I&safe=active Task 3: Open the attachment planning a conversation 13.1.21
Spelling Rule – words ending in zhun spelt sion
Your spellings this week are: division, invasion, confusion, decision, collision, television, revision, erosion. inclusion, explosion
SpellingPractice_zhunwordsspelt-sion Or Open the below attachment and choose one idea to practice spelling the words.
Maths |
Consolidation – Number and Place Value Section 1 – Place Value and Partitioning –Study Book (Red) page 4, Question Book (White) page 8
White Rose Maths – Home Learning – Spring 1 – Week 2 Multiplication & Division
MathsFrame – to practise your timestables https://mathsframe.co.uk/en/resources/resource/477/Multiplication-Tables-Check
LUNCH – Make yourself some yummy lunch! |
History |
The Romans
LO: To understand where Ancient Rome fits into the timeline. L.O. To identify the key skills of the Romans.
Which people came before the Romans in Britain? What else was happening in the world at the same time as the beginning of Ancient Rome? Did the Romans only live in Rome? If not, where else did they live?
Task: Look at the images of Roman Mosaics, they represent parts of Roman life. Use the website https://www.theedkins.co.uk/jo/mosaic/mkmosaic.htm to create your own Roman Mosaic.
In your pack is a sheet with squares on. Can you design another Roman mosaic to represent something in your own life?
Question to answer: How was Roman art different to art in other times (eg Ancient Greece)?
Draw with Rob |
Draw with Rob It is always exciting to draw and by following his simple instructions the results are amazing. |
Purple Mash |
Have some fun by logging onto Purple Mash and choose an activity to support your learning |
Life Skill |
LIFE SKILL TIME Clean your bedrooms |
Book Time |
Read your own book Or listen to David Walliams read Boy in a Dress https://www.worldofdavidwalliams.com/elevenses-catch-up/