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Tuesday 2nd February 2021


 Tuesday 2nd February 2021

Miss Heys

9:00 am

Join in with Andy’s wild workout below.

Guided Reading

Ancient Egyptian Transport

LO: To answer vocabulary and inference questions.

Watch the teaching video below Guided Reading 2.2.21

Open the attachment Tuesday 2nd February Guided Reading.

Read the text and answer the questions. Mark your work using the answer sheet.

Send me your scores on Class Dojo.


LO: To identify the features of a non-chronological reports.

Re- read the Romans non-chronological report from yesterday.

Watch the video below 2.2.21 English

Open the attachment Tuesday 2nd February English

Read the new non-chronological report and find examples of each feature.



Introduction of new rule




Words ending in -ture


These words sound like they end in ‘chuh’ but it is actually spelt ‘ture’.












Find out the definition (meaning) of each word above and then use it in a sentence.


 LO: To relate calculations to one another.

Starter: Complete the questions in your workbook.

1. 32 divided by 8?

2. What is 150 less than 400

3. Find the sum of 523 and 182?

4. 8 x 10 =

5. There are 24 pencils and I have 8 pots, how many pencils will go into each pot?


Watch the video below explaining all about relating calculations.

Open the attachment Maths 2.2.21.

Complete the questions and have a go at the challenge.


Click on the links below to complete this week’s gymnastic lesson.

Purple Mash

Have some fun by logging onto Purple Mash and choose an activity to support your learning

Life Skill


Help to tidy your bathroom.

Book Time

Read one of your own books.



CBeebies | Andy's Wild Workouts | Under the Sea!

Andy goes on an adventure to find the biggest fish in the ocean. Join him as he meets an octopus, white tipped shark and a huge whale shark and learns how to...

Children's Mental Health Week​​​​​​

Today is the time for Mindfulness. Mindfulness means paying full attention to something. It means slowing down to really notice what you're doing. Being mindful is the opposite of rushing or multitasking. When you're mindful, you're taking your time. You're focusing in a relaxed, easy way.


Being mindful helps you:

  • pay attention better
  • be less distractible
  • learn more
  • stay calm under stress
  • avoid getting too upset about things
  • slow down instead of rush
  • listen better to others
  • be more patient
  • get along better
  • feel happier and enjoy things more


You need to practice mindfulness to get good at it. Training the mind takes practice. The more you practice, the better you get.


Now find a quiet space and listen to the below video or complete the mindfulness colouring sheet.

5 Mindfulness Exercises for Kids

Here are 5 easy and practical mindfulness techniques kids from the age of 5+ can use to self-regulate, calm down, tune into their listening and sharpen conce...

Guided Reading 2.2.21.mp4

Still image for this video

2.2.21 English.mp4

Still image for this video

Maths - LO: To relate calculations to one another.

Watch the video below and then complete the maths worksheet - do not forget to try the challenge questions.


This week is different jumps.  Make sure you have lots of space. Remember to always warm up first.  Why not go back and practise the balances and rolls you have completed over the last 2 weeks. .

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