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Year 3/4 - Miss Jarvis

Miss Jarvis


Our Wonderful Roman Trip

On Wednesday 24th May, we went on a marvellous adventure to Ribchester. We played in the 'best park in the world' (according to Mrs Monaghan) and had an incredible time.  While we were there we visited the Roman Museum and learned many more interesting facts from Patrick, the curator of the museum. 


In Year 3/4 we have been producing lots of exciting memorabilia about the Romans.  We have created Roman shields, designed Roman mosaics and constructed Roman catapults.  It has been an amazing amount of fun especially because yesterday we went outside and acted out a Roman march, Roman formations and fired our Roman catapults.  Please take a look at the photographs and even watch the Roman March.

Roman March

Still image for this video


This week we made an exciting visit over to Reception to see the baby chicks.  We knew that they needed to be handled carefully so we sat quietly with our partner and held and stroke the baby chicks.  Some of us were not so sure about holding them but still enjoyed seeing them.



Today we had a brilliant day focussing on the novel 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory' by Roald Dahl.  We started with inventing new characters names such as Ada Squareeyes, Horatio Grubster, Margaret Sourgrape and Hermione Honeybee and then drawing these characters from their names.  Then we sang the Oompa Loompa song which was very funny. After that we created a menu for our magic chewing gum.  In the afternoon we designed a new chocolate bar wrapper and ended the day carrying out a scientific experiment to see which chocolate melts faster - white, milk or dark chocolate.  Do you know?


Today we were learning about volcanoes.  What volcanoes are? What types there are? What effects volcanoes have? But I think the most enjoyable part was making our own volcanoes from simple household ingredients.  The photos show how surprised the children were once the volcanoes erupted!!

Happy New Year.  Welcome to 2017.

Spring Term started filled with excitement.  Stone Age had come to LKS2.  The children arrived to find the entrance and door into the classroom decorated and inside a Stone Age cave.  During the day the children created pictures of Stonehenge, danced to Jailhouse Rock by Elvis Priestley and using different techniques with paint, charcoal and chalk designed their own Stone Age art. We even used sticks instead of paintbrushes. Take a look at the pictures.  It was a fun day for all.  Apologies if your children came back home covered in paint.

Welcome to Year 3/4!

Welcome to a new school year at St Joseph’s and especially to Year 3/4.  It was so great to see all the children excited to be back with wonderful stories of how they spent their summer holidays.  I am really looking forward to working with your child and if the first week is anything to go by it will be a fabulous year.  There will be lots of hard work but also lots of fun as well. Communication is key to your child’s success and for a wonderful parent/teacher relationship  I encourage you to contact me via the office if you have any concerns or questions I will be more than happy to meet with you after school.


Miss Jarvis & Mrs Rochford



Christmas Party Time !

Here we are making 'healthy' sandwiches with a Warburton's visitor, who spoke to us about making healthy food choices.  We looked at the Eatwell Plate and learned the proportions of fruit and vegetables, proteins, fats etc we should eat in our daily menu.

A Visit from Warburtons

Year 3/4 Curriculum Overview

Year 3/4 Maths Yearly Overview

We've had 1 5 8 3 7 9 Visitors