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The children have been learning their colours in French. During outdoors week, the children were challenged to find items in the playground using colours listed in french. Next, they had to create a presentation of their findings and use voice recording to say the colour in french as a voice over.

We have been creatong art work in the style of Pablo Picasso, ask your child what they like about his style.

We created route maps on Digimaps. We created a route from West View to school. We had to consider the possible obstacles and dangers on our route. The children then walked the route and wrote some instructions/directions.

We have been creating our own maps of the school grounds. Ask your child how they did this.

Our new Topic is ‘There’s not place like home.’ We will be looking at the local history and geography. This week, we used maps to locate different cities around the UK. The children then used Google Earth to locate the school. Ask your child what they liked about Google Earth and if possible, get them to use it at home.

The children looked at Roman engineering and their use of arches. The children tested to see the strength of arch bridges and why they are used. Next, they compared the size of the span in the arches to see which would support the most weight.

The children have been looking at Roman soldiers and their equipment. Ask your child what gave the Roman soldiers an advantage in battle.

Our new Topic is the Romans. We have been looking at Roman interior design and the use of Mosiacs. The children have designed their own pattern and made a Roman mosaic. Ask your child about their design.

In History, the children have been learning about Stonehenge. The children created their own versions using a variety of equipment. Ask your child what they learnt.

For our PHSE day, we looked at poverty and it’s causes, possible solutions and how CAFOD are using sport to develop skills to help people on poverty.

In Computing, we have been using PurpleMash to code programmes to repeat commands after a period of time. This week, we used the I pads for the first time.

Our Topic this term is The Stone Age to The a Romans. This week we created our own cave art based on historical evidence of early art. We used sticks to paint our pictures to tell a story.

Every Friday this half term, a member of the Preston North End Community team will be coming in and helping the children develop their leadership skills. This week, we looked at poor leadership and role played being a poor leader.

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