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Year 4 Mr Kay

 Mr Kay

This week, the children have been looking at discussion writing and debating. We held two debates. Firstly, we debated whether dogs should be banned from parks. Secondly, we debated whether school holidays should be shorter. Ask your child what arguments and counter arguments were raised.

This week, we had reading buddies from Year 1/2. We modelled our reading strategies and helped the children use their phonics. It was great to see the Year Fours develop and show their leadership skills. Young teachers in the making.

During Healthy Me Week, we visited Preston North End’s stadium and had a guided tour. The children got to learn lots about the football club and it’s history. Ask your child what their favourite part was.

In Science, we have been looking at teeth and the digestive system. This week we set up an experiment putting boiled eggs in different liquids and predicted which would cause the most damage to the egg shell. Ask your child how we made sure that we conducted a fair experiment.

Our new Topic is ‘Passport to Europe’. The children have been looking at various maps of Europe and the countries within Europe. Ask your child what they found out.

Welcome back Year 4! I have been enjoying listening and reading about what the children have been up to during the Easter break. Our topic this term is 'Passport to Europe' and we will be studying the country of Poland in depth. We have lots of exciting and challenging lessons to look forward to. Please find important documents and links at the bottom of the page.



  • Homework will go out on Fridays and is expected to be handed in by Wednesday. I am available on Tuesday lunchtimes to help with homework.
  • Spellings will also go out on Fridays ready for a spelling test the following Wednesday. 
  • Children are expected to read regularly at home and have their reading records signed. I suggest reading every evening, reading this often will have a huge impact on the children's progress. 'To read is to succeed'.
  • PE is now on Friday mornings, the children are to leave their kits in class.


I have an open door policy, if you would like to speak to me about anything feel free to grab me before or after school or send me a note and we can arrange a convenient time to meet.


The Lord be with you,


Thank you,


Mr Kay



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