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St Joseph’s Primary School and Nursery is dedicated to provide an education which enables every child to fulfil their best potential.  We believe that all children are entitled to have their needs identified, assessed and addressed at the earliest possible stage. If we are aware that a child has Special Educational Needs before they enter school or during their time with us, every effort will be made to liaise with the early education setting, other agencies and parents, to enable us to make appropriate provision.


The following documents describe and report the Special Needs Provision we provide at St. Joseph's.
Lancashire County Council also have a 'Local Offer' which gives information for children who have special needs and their families.  Please follow the link to read all it:


My name is Miss Jarvis and I am the SENDCO.  My contact details are or you can call the school office on 01772 796112 and ask for me.

The Family Information Network Directory (FIND) is published termly and includes all kinds of different support for families with children who have special needs.
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