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Year 3B

Miss Ritson


Welcome back Year 3B! What a great start to the new term with the children having great attitudes towards learning! We have a new face joining us in 3B. Miss Winter will be in class working alongside my self and Mrs Rochford and the children have welcomed her to our team.


Our topic this term is 'The Romans' and we have lots of exciting and challenging lessons to look forward to as well as a visit from Lancashires Roman Expert! We are also learning about 'Animals including Humans' in Science where the children will learn all about what it takes to stay healthy.


We will be continuing with 'Multiplication and Division' in Maths and will be focusing on:

  • multiplying and dividing by 3, 4, 6 & 8
  • multiplying and dividing 2 and 3 digit numbers 

Continuous practice of the children's times tables at home will really benefit them for their lessons.


In English we have begun to look at the story of Romulus and Remus. The children will be working towards writing their own mythical story over the next couple of weeks. Following that, we will be looking at The Lion King as a playscript. I'm sure the children will enjoy this greatly.


Spellings will continue to be sent home on a Friday ready for a test on the followng Friday and P.E will continue every Thursday. Homework will go home on a Friday and is expected to be returned by Wednesday.


I will keep you updated on our Class Dojo page with photographs and messages and I will update you with key information on here too. Please use the links below to access key information or learning with your children.


Here's to another great half term in Year 3B! 


Miss Ritson, Mrs Rochford and Miss Winter 

Year 3B - Miss Ritson

Autumn Term 2021

Welcome back to the new school year and to Year 3B. 

We have had a great first week in school - engaging in lots of new learning and activities.

Our topic this term is 'The Stone Age' and we have lots of fun and exciting lessons to look forward to.


We will keep you updated on our Class Dojo page with photographs and messages and we will update you with key information on here too.


Please use the links at the bottom of this page to access key information or learning with your children.



  • Homework be sent out on Fridays. The children will be given worksheets/online work to complete at home and it will be due back on the Wednesday the following week.
  • Every Monday your child will bring home a new spelling list to practise, ready for a spelling test on Friday morning.
  • Children are expected to read regularly at home and have their reading records signed. It would be ideal if this could be done each evening.
  • PE this term will be on Thursday morning. The children will need to keep their kit in school until the end of the term when they will be able to bring it home to wash. 



If you have any worries or concerns please do not hesitate to get in touch either through Class Dojo or by arranging to see me after school via the office.


We are looking forward to an amazing year with all your children.


Thank you, 

Miss Ritson and Mrs Rochford 

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