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Year 5- Mr Wignall

Mr Wignall- Class teacher

Miss Furnell- Class teaching assistant

We are now well into the spring term and the children are really enjoying the topic of WW2. The first half term was spent learning about the causes of the war and learning about evacuees by reading Goodnight Mr Tom.


In this half term we have focused more on individuals who wrote autobiographical books during the War. Year 5 have learnt a lot about diarist, Anne Frank and her family and have already produced some fantastic pieces of writing.


You can also see some of the great art work our children have made.


WW2 history and DT lessons

Our RE work on display

Welcome back Year 5!


After a VERY busy first couple of weeks I have managed to take a few moments to update our class page.

This terms topic is survival. The children will be reading Kensuke's Kingdom by Michael Morpurgo and creating some excellent adventure stories based on this novel. 



Our science this autumn will be focused on how animals have adapted to survive in hostile habitats and how natural selection causes animals to evolve.



  • Homework will go out on Fridays and is expected to be handed in by Wednesday. I am available on Tuesday lunchtimes to help with homework. 
  • Spellings will also go out on Fridays ready for a spelling test the following Thursday. 
  • Children are expected to read regularly at home and have their reading records signed. I suggest reading every evening, reading this often will have a huge impact on the children's progress. 'To read is to succeed'.
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