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June- We are learning all about statistics. We have created tally charts, pictograms and bar charts. We are also interepreting data from different charts.

May- We had a role play shop. We had money to spend and we also had to work out our change. Money can be very tricky.

15th May- We have started learning all about money. Today we set the classroom up as a role play shop, we each had money to spend and had to add up different amounts.

7th May- This week we have looked at equivalent fractions. This means different fractions that are the same amount such as two quarters is equivalent to one half.

23rd April- We have learned lots about fractions recently. We have been finding finding larger fractions of shapes and finding tenths. We even created some fraction fruit salads, that was really fun!

11th April- We are looking at fractions. We have started by finding unit fractions of shapes and amounts.

Week beginning 25th March- We have been looking at measuring recently. Now we have moved on to measuring lengths and finding the perimeter of shapes. We found the perimeter of our playground. We measured the width and length in metres.

February- we have been learning all about time. We learned how to tell the time in five minute intervals and even looked at digital clocks.

Week beginning 09/12/18- we started looking at meaurement. We have meausured in CM and even looked at MM. we have measured objects and compared their lengths.

19/11/18- Today we started look at division. We know that division also means to ‘share by’ we shared out amounts of cubes.

6/11/18- Today we created arrays to help us understand and answer multiplication calculations.

25/09/18- this week we have been comparing numbers and ordering them on number lines. We even made a human number line and estimated where numbers would be.

We have had lots of fun maths sessions already. We have been partitioning numbers in different ways, counting on number line and even used the big 100square outside to count ten more or ten less than a number.

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