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Tuesday 17th April- Today we completed some role play. We carried out interviews for some of the main characters in the book The Mouse Hole Cat.

Wednesday 14th March- Today we used play scripts to complete some role play based upon the One man band story. We have gained so much more confidence since the start of the year.

Monday 5th March- Today we held our own court to decide whether or not we should allow Mr.Pickley at Onions R Us to make our school playground in to an onion field. We had to use persuasive langauge to think of our arguments for and against.

Tuesday 20th February- Today we received a letter from Mr. Pickles stating he wants to buy our school playground and make it in to a new onion field. He sent us some of his onion flavour products to try and persuade us to allow this. The pickled onions were not to everyone’s taste.

We enjoy reading time... we try and read everyday. We should also read at home everyday.

Thursday 19th October- In English we are looking at Play scripts. Today we had a look at one called 'London is burning' and acted out different scenes. We all chose a character and practiced our lines.

14th September- Today in English we ordered and followed instructions to make jam sandwiches.

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