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Tuesday 2nd March 2021


 Tuesday 2nd March 2021

Miss Heys

9:00 am

Join in with Andy’s wild workout below.

Guided Reading

How are Rainbows Formed?

LO: To answer vocabulary and explanation questions

Watch the video below Guided Reading 2.3.21

Open the attachment Tuesday 2nd March Guided Reading. Read the text and answer the questions.

Mark your work using the answer sheet. Send me your scores on Class Dojo.


LO: To write the opening to a journey story.

Open the attachment below Tuesday 2nd March English showing the success criteria for writing a journey story and the modelled example.

Watch the video below 2.3.21 English modelling how to write the opening section of a journey story.

In your workbook, write the opening for your own journey story.

When you have finished, read through your writing and underline where you have used something from the success criteria.




The sh sound spelt ch


Sometimes the sh sound is spelt ch. It can come at the beginning, middle or end of a word.

This happens because the English language have borrowed a lot of French words.


Write each word out three times – once in your best handwriting, once in rainbow colours and once in bubble writing. Can you underline the sh sound spelt as ch in each word.

Then look up the definition of each word.













LO: To give change

Starter: Complete the questions in your workbook.

1. Find the total of 572 and 196.

2. Calculate £5 and 20p + £1 and 35p.

3. 675 – 432 =

4. 876 + 211  =

5. I have 5 cookies and I also give my brother and sister 5 cookies each. How many cookies are there all together?


Watch the video below explaining how to give change.

Open the worksheet: Maths 2.3.21 below.

Complete the questions and then have a go at the challenge.    


Have fun taking part in the gymnastic lesson below.

Purple Mash

Have some fun by logging onto Purple Mash and choose an activity to support your learning

Book Time

Read your favourite story.




Andy's Wild Workouts | Mountains

Andy explores the highest points on Earth in search of a grizzly bear. He bumps into mountain goats and meets a pika before coming face to face with a grizzl...

2.3.2021 Guided Reading.mp4

Still image for this video

2.3.21 English.mp4

Still image for this video

Maths - L.O: To give change

Watch the video below which explains how to give change and complete the maths worksheet.


The final gymnastics lesson your task is to create an extended sequence of six elements; two balances, two rolls and two jumps. Have fun!

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