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Year 2 - Miss Craig

Miss Craig


Letter for Swashbuckle

What a fantastic start to our Summer Topic learning! We have been out in the beautiful sunshine learning all about different mini beasts and their micro habitats. The children were fabulous explorers and they were very kind and gentle when touching and holding the mini beasts. Ask your child which different mini beasts they found!

This term the children's topic is called 'Green Growth and Green Fingers'. This includes looking at the features of a plant, the life cycles of plants and animals and looking at a range of artist like Van Gogh and Giuseppe Arcimboldo. The children have been able to plant their own daffodils and grow their own beans - they have also been keeping a diary of the beans growth. Ask your child how long their bean has grown so far!

The key text we are focusing on in our English is Jim and the Beanstalk. The children have explored the setting and characters so far and they are now looking forward to re-telling the story and creating their own stories with similar characters.

As Year 2 SATS are cropping up we are having a huge emphasis on reading. Please can you keep reading with your child at home every night. The SATS will commence on the week of 22/05/17 and will be running over 2 weeks. 

To help prepare your child further for these we are offering a revision tool to buy from school for £6. This includes  two English papers (reading and SPAG) and two maths papers (arithmetic and reasoning). Letters have been sent out to your child last week but if you need another one please don't hesitate to ask. 

If you  have any concerns or issues please come and speak to myself or Mrs Sarwar.

Just a reminder that homework goes out on a Friday and is expected to be returned the following week, please can I ask that the children try their best and attempt the homework each week. Thank you!

We have had a fantastic term so far and we are looking forward to the rest of our topic!

Year 2's class assembly is on Thursday 23rd March. We hope to see you there!

Many thanks

Miss Craig smiley

Today Year 1/2 and Year 2 learnt about wash days over 100 years ago. We were able to wash some materials by using a dolly tub, dolly, posser and wash board. We then hung our washing onto the washing line. The children had a fantastic day!

Happy New Year!

We hope that you have had a lovely and restful Christmas holiday! The children have settled back into school brilliantly.

We have already given out new reading books - please can you continue to read with your child at home. Thank you!

This term we are going to be learning all about the Royal Family; what toys/ houses/ washing items/ holidays where like in the past and comparing them them to our lives now.

In English we will be focusing on traditional tales including Hansel and Gretel, Jack and the Beanstalk and Rumpelstiltskin.  We will be sending home a traditional tale every Friday and their homework will be to re-tell the story. A video of each story will be added to the website so keep an eye out! 

Please feel free to come and speak to us at any time if you have any worries or questions. 

We are excited to watch your children flourish in 2017!


Miss Craig and Mrs Sarwar

Welcome to Year 2!

My name is Miss Craig and I am very excited to join Year 2 and the team at St Joseph's Primary school! Welcome to Year 2's class page, this is where you will some find key information and current learning the children are completing at the moment. We encourage positive attitudes towards learning and school life and we love to watch the children's individual achievements blossom throughout the year. 

We have been settling in to our classroom brilliantly since returning from the Summer holidays and we have loved watching the children's achievements so far.   

If you need to contact me for any reasons please don't hesitate to come and see me. 


Miss Craig and Mrs Sarwar smiley

Today we have been learning how to work as a team. We have explored our new resources for the classroom and we have worked in teams to investigate building different things.

Year 2's fantastic learning

Welcome to Year 2

Year 2 Curriculum overview

Year 2 Maths overview

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