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Year 1/2 - Mrs Holmes

Mr Donnelly will be the class teacher from September 2017


Letter for Swashbuckle


Welcome back to the final term of the Summer

This term we are learning all about the 'Great Outdoors'.We have been fire building with the Scouts and learning all about mini beasts, insects and habitats.


We are continuing our focus on reading at home and at school. We are listening to the children 2x per week and hope you listen to them often at home too (ideally every night!) smiley


We will continue our daily phonics sessions to support reading and writing development.


Please do no hesitate to make an appointment to see us if you have any worries or questions.


Mrs Holmes and Mrs Mahmood               


Welcome to Year 1/2!

Welcome to Year 1/2!


The children have settled in well to class, and have been learning all about Penguins, Possums and Pigs. We have made some possums and penguins in class and have begun to read our first story: 'Lost and Found'.

This year we are working hard on our reading - when you read with your child at home, please write this in their home reading log. If the children read 25 books, they gain a bronze award; they gain a silver award for reading 50 books and a gold award for reading 75 books. Lets see who can get their awards this year - good luck everyone!!


Any questions, please feel free to come and ask me.


Mrs Holmes 


Mathematics Overview

Curriculum Overview

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