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Thursday 14th January 2021


Thursday 14th January 2021

Miss Heys

8:30 am

Get Up and get dressed.

Make yourself some breakfast

9:00 am

Let’s Try Cosmic Kids Yoga

Guided Reading

Romans on the Rampage

LO: To retrieve and infer answers from a text

Open the attachment below: Guided Reading WB. 11.1.21

Read and complete the text with the title ‘Romans on the Rampage’

Read through the text once in your head and once out loud.

Answer the questions in your workbook.


LO: To write a conversation.

Main Teaching:

Open the attachment Thursday 14.1.21 English

Complete the task on the first page by re-writing each piece of speech with the correct punctuation.

Task 1: Look at the conversation that you planned yesterday between the old woman and the young man.

Write out the conversation in your book using speech punctuation and speech verbs.

Task 2: Think about a conversation that you have had today. Write out that conversation using speech punctuation and speech verbs.

Remember to include:

  • Inverted commas
  • Speech verbs

Other punctuation



Introduction of new rule






L.O: To add the prefix im to root words that begin with p or m


A prefix is a group of letters that comes at the beginning of a root word to make a new word.


impossible, imperfect, immature, immortal, impolite, immoral, improper, immovable


Practise your words by playing the game on the link below




LO: To use arrays

Starter: Complete the questions in your workbook.

1. 5 x 2 =

2. Subtract 47 from 281.

3. How many months are in a year?

4. 5 x 5 =

5. 438 + 227 =


Main Teaching: Open the video link below and click on the using  arrays video:

Watch the video where it explains how to use arrays – we have looked at these in class previously so you should recognise them.

Arrays help you to understand and calculate multiplication calculations.

Open the attachment Thursday 14.1.21 Maths

Complete the questions and then have a go at the challenge.



LUNCH – Make yourself some yummy lunch!


L.O: To identify the nutrition that humans need to survive



Play the video underneath: Science – Animals including Humans 14.1.21


After the video complete the healthy party plate activity.

You need to look at all the food on the sheet and decide which ones should go onto the healthy party plate – remember it needs to be a healthy, balanced plate.

Re-watch the video if you need reminding of what we should eat for a healthy balanced diet or look at the Eat Well plate picture below. 


Once you have decided what you want to put on your plate you can either cut out the pictures and stick them on the healthy eating plate or draw them onto it.


Once you have done this look at the food on your plate and write down which food group each of the foods you have chosen comes from.


Challenge – Can you write down which nutrients each of your chosen foods contain?



Purple Mash

Have some fun by logging onto Purple Mash and choose an activity to support your learning

Life Skill


Can you sweep your kitchen floor?

Book Time

Read your reading book



Science - Animals including Humans 14.1.21

Still image for this video
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