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Nursery- Miss Salthouse

Miss Salthouse


Welcome to St. Joseph's Nursery page

The Nursery team is: Miss Salthouse, Mrs Beg and Miss Hastie.

On this page we will keep you up to date on what is going on, what we are learning, celebrations and acheivements in Nursery.





We have places for children aged 3 from September. We offer 15 free hours either 5 mornings or 5 afternoons. If you would like a place for your child please phone or see the office on 01772 796112. You are welcome to arrange a visit to see Nursery in action. 

We had so much fun at Rascals this week. There was lots of climbing, sliding and playing in the ball pool.

The St. Joseph’s Express has been very busy this week, lots of writing our own train tickets and journeys to the beach.

What a sports day, thank you to Miss Bell for organising. The children were amazing!!

We have had a busy week playing outdoors. We have been on a shape hunt, we have played on the big school climbing frame.

We are loving our fire station, we have all learnt about what a fire fighter does.

We completed a obstacle course to see how strong we were to be firefighters.

On Monday we had a delivery of chicken eggs. We have been waiting and watching to see when the eggs will start to hatch.

We had lots of fun at the farm. We rode on donkeys, held baby animals, fed lambs, goats and llamas. Before we went home we rode on a tractor, lots of us went to sleep on the bus on the way home

We have had a busy week in Nursery. Celebrating St. Joseph’s day and We have been learning to retell the story of the Little Red Hen on Friday we baked and tasted bread.

Our stars of the week

World Book Day 2019

Our stars of the week

Our stars of the week

We enjoyed playing in the sunshine today and had a great time playing with the parachute running under and making waves with it.

Our stars of the week from the last two weeks

For the next two weeks we are learning about the story of Goldilocks and three bears. We made and tasted porrridge to see if we liked it as much as Goldilocks.

Our stars of the week

Gingerbread man story

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Gingerbread man story

Still image for this video

Our Stars of the week

Our stars of the week

Thank you all the parents who came to stay and play today. We made our own Tizzy puppet

Our stars of the week

We are learning to tell the Gingerbread man story, last week we made our own Gingerbread men.

We had fun exploring Santa’s workshop

Our stars of the week

Important Dates for Nursery:

  • Wednesday 21st November-Stay and Play for parents at 10.45-11.45am or 2-3pm
    • Come and look at your Child's Learning Journey and talk to staff about your child. Feel free to come to either session and stay for as long as you would like.
  • Tuesday 11th December-Nativity in the school Hall details to follow. Everyone is welcome. 
    • Morning Nursery is at 10am
    • Afternoon Nursery Nativity is at 2pm
  • Monday 17th December-Christmas Storytelling-Please come to Nursery in your Pyjamas-for storytelling and hot chocolate. 

  • Thursday 20th December-Christmas Party Day-Please come in your party clothes. 

  • Friday 21st December-Nursery closes for Christmas at 1.30pm till Monday 7th January 2019

We baked our own cupcakes this week. We looked at what ingredients we needed and how to help mix the mixture,

We have been busy moving and grooving in the school hall.

Our stars of the Week

Our stars of the week

Our stars of the week

This week we have been into the hall to dance, we have been moving to music to make our arms stronger ready to get mark making.

Our stars of the week.

We have learnt to sing Incy Wincy Spider this week,

Still image for this video

Incy Wincy Spider

Still image for this video
This week we have learnt to sing Incy Wincy Spider.

We have had a busy half term, here are few photos to show what we have been up to in Nursery.

This week in Nursery we have been looking for signs of Autumn, we collected big and small leaves. Then we made Autumn Crowns, practising how to use glue.

Cursive Handwriting: How to Write the Alphabet

This is a cursive writing demonstration video showing how to write the letters of the alphabet in their precursive form, which will support your cursive (joined) handwriting. It models how to write the letters of the alphabet using pre-cursive script. Cursive handwriting is commonly taught in schools across the world.

ABC Phonics Song - UK Version

Lets help our kids distinguish the beginning sounds of each letter in the alphabet with the associated word and picture. A great way to sing and learn Phonics!

Five Little Ducks | Kids Songs | Super Simple Songs

We are learning to count to 5 and we are enjoying singing 5 little ducks.

We have had a busy few days settling in Nursery. We have played outside, reading and mark making. We have had lots of fun!

We've had 1 5 7 3 0 6 Visitors