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Artist of the term - Georgia O’Keefe

Artist of the term - Georgia O’Keefe 

we have been researching and learning all about Georgia O’Keefe this term. 

we have been very inspired by her art work with flowers and leaves and we used her knowledge to create our own master pieces. I cannot believe the progress the children have made in just a short term. Their pencil control is very good and they take pride in their art work. They have been using lines, shapes and patterns to create their own work. Then using shading, water colours, acrylic paint, chalk and oil pastels as a media. 

3D sculptures - we have started to make our own 3D sculptures from ‘The Last Wolf.’ The children have mixed PVA glue with water to create paper mache and have used newspaper to stick over the top of the balloons.

3D sculptures- the final wolf

Research - the children used iPads and text to research a landmark. They had to create a poster including facts, pictures and drawings of the landmark. They had to decide if their landmark was human or physical and explain why. They children were very well behaved and worked well within their teams. Well done!

It was now time to research Wales! We have looked at the capital city, different landmarks and traditions in Wales. A great afternoon researching using iPads and information.

We have been sorting landmarks into human and physical categories. The children were fantastic and can recognise the features of a humane physical landmark.

We have started our new topic Great Britai. To launch our topic, we split each class into England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Each class had the chance to visit a country and learn about its location and it’s culture. They also had the chance to sample a range of food and drinks. The children have had a fantastic day. Well done! 

We enjoyed 'afternoon tea' with the Queen!

GREAT FIRE OF LONDON - The children have been researching when the Great Fire of London happened and have placed events onto a timeline. They have also compared past and present clothing, transport and buildings.

A fantastic start to our ‘The Great Fire of London.’ We created some Tudor houses using nets and set them on fire! The children were very sensible and well behaved. We talked about Fire safety and how they should not repeat the activity at home. The childreen loved the activity!

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