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Thursday 28th January 2021


Thursday 28th January 2021

Mrs Newton

8:30 am

Get Up and get dressed.

Make yourself some breakfast

9:00 am

Complete the exercises below.


Romans on the Rampage

LO: To answer a variety of VIPERS questions.

Open the attachment Thursday 28th January Guided Reading. Read the next part of our class novel and answer the questions using your VIPERS skills.

Mark your work using the answer sheet. Send me your scores on Class Dojo.


LO: To use different sentence types in writing.

Open the video Thursday 28th January 2021 English.

Open the attachment below Thursday 28.1.21 English

Complete the task using the different sentence types that you have learnt this week.

Send me your work on Class Dojo!



Recap of rule





LO: To add the suffix –ly to root words.


When we add –ly onto an adjective like nice it turns it into an adverb (nicely). For some root words we can just add ly straight onto the root word. For words ending in –le we must swap the –le for an -ly


 Spelling Sharks

Follow the link and use the game to practice spelling the words using the –ly suffix.

Write out any words that you get incorrect 3 times in your workbook to help you to remember them.




LO: To use the 8 times-tables

Starter: Complete the questions in your workbook.

1. Write 615 in words.

2. Calculate 593 – 240.

3. 28 divided by 4?

4. Find the total of 782 and 117.

5. I have 20 sweets and I share them with my 4 friends. How many will we all get?


Main Teaching:

Watch the video below where it explains how to use the 8 times-tables.

Open the attachment Maths 28.1.21

Complete the questions and then have a go at the challenge.


LUNCH – Make yourself some yummy lunch!


LO: To understand that animals have bones and to be able to name some bones.

Watch the video below to learn about the skeleton.

Complete the worksheet 28.1.21

Purple Mash

Use your log in to take some time to play some learning games on Purple Mash

Life Skill


Wash the pots!

Book Time

Take some time to relax and enjoy reading a book.

Zumba Kids (easy dance) - I like to move it

Thursday 28th January English.mp4

Still image for this video

L.O: To use the 8 times-table

Watch the video below about using the 8 times-tables and then complete the worksheet.

Science - Animals including Humans lesson 3

Still image for this video
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