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Week commencing 18.01.21


Day Activity/Challenge Extra learning

Make a shopping list for ingredients to make porridge e.g

Porridge oats






Encourage your child to make marks to represent the list or write the list and get your child to copy it or draw pictures to match. Can they hear the beginning sound of each item? 'p' for porridge.


Help support your child's pencil grip. 


Making Porridge!

Using the ingredients from your shopping list make porridge for your breakfast! Add fruit How does it taste? Is it hot or cold? What does it taste of? Discuss the textures.

Which did you like best with fruit or without?

Send me pictures on dojo!. Use the link before to help you.


Have you read your reading book from your home pack you collected from nursery? Discuss the pictures. Can you name the family?



Messy play!!

It is important to allow your child to explore different textures and get messy! It allows them to discover new senses and supports their speech and language learning new words.

Fill a large bowl half way with porridge oats and add water, allow your child to explore the textures discussing and asking question "how does it feel?" "What will happen if we add more oats/water"

Join in with Joe wicks p.e lesson on youtube. 


Time to play a game!

you will need a  scarf or something similar as a blindfold.

Put the blindfold on your child and stand in a different part of the room. Call your child's name can they follow your voice? swap roles.


Make an assault course using items in your house.

Cushions, tins from the cupboard to go in and out of, a chair, a sheet to crawl under. Click on the link for more ideas.

Can you make a bed or chair using any bricks or lego you have at home?


Reread Goldilocks.


Using items in your house, pictures in books or online, discuss healthy and unhealthy foods.

Talk about the importance of eating healthy and exercising. Can they sort the items into healthy and unhealthy? 


Can you build a tower of 10 items?

Can you count 10 jumps, claps and hops?

Goldilocks and the three bears

Watch and listen to Miss. Hastie reading the Goldilocks story!

The Adventures of Arthur and Rodney!

Watch the next instalment of the adventures of Arthur!

The Adventures of Arthur and Rodney!

Watch as Arthur races Mrs. Parkinson!

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