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Merry Christmas 2019

I would like to thank all our children for so many fabulous performances this term; Weekly Assemblies, Nursery, Reception and Infant Nativity, KS2 Carol Concert and the Carol singing at Morrisons, Parklands Care home, Top Café, and St Walburge’s. The children and staff have all worked so hard to put on and take part in so many joyful celebrations for our school family.


This last few weeks the children have enjoyed; a staff pantomime, Christmas markets, Christmas dress up, Christmas crafts, a visit from Santa and gifts from Cash for kids. They have been really ‘treated’ and it has been well deserved as they are working so hard and making good progress in their learning.


Furthermore I would like to thank the amazing SJPS staff team. They are an incredibly passionate group of people who always put the children first. I would also like to thank the people who are behind the scenes, ensuring the high quality of provision at St Joseph’s, as a wonderful learning family:-


•           The governors, for their clear direction and improvement plan for the school.

•           The administrative staff for their excellent organisation in the office and providing support for parents.

•           The lunchtime staff who made 284 Christmas dinners; and make wonderful meals daily to make sure all the pupils eat healthily and are well cared for.

•           Mr Jimmy, Site Manager, and superb cleaners who make the school clean, safe and welcoming.

•           The volunteers who give so generously of their time to support the children’s learning.


Finally to you, the parents, without your commitment and support for your children, St Joseph’s would not be the place it is - you are wonderful! Thank you all so very much.


We look forward to another magical term in 2020- a new decade!

Have a joyful and peaceful Christmas.

I look forward to seeing you all in the New Year.


Yours Sincerely



Mrs Monaghan




Please click on the links below to watch the highlights from our Staff Pantomime and our Reception Nativity  


SJPS Pantomime


Reception Nativity

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