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Christmas Activities


Christmas Activities 2019 at St Joseph’s

Bring a Bauble – if children would like to bring in a bauble to decorate our Christmas tree then please send them into class week commencing 2nd December.


We have arranged for the children to attend a Christmas Pantomime.  This will take place on 13th December in the afternoon.


Christmas Crafts/Markets for each class will be on Monday 16th December in school during the day. The payment (as detailed below) will cover this and no additional money is needed on the day.


Christmas Movie on Tuesday 17th December in school during the day


Christmas Dress Up Day and Christmas Lunch will be on Thursday 19th December. Children can come to school dressed up however they like (superheroes, princesses, footballers, Christmas jumpers etc). Details and prices of the Christmas lunch will follow separately.


Dates for other Christmas events including key stage advent services, nativities and carol concerts will be on the newsletter.



In order for the above events to happen, we are asking for a contribution of £3 per child to cover the pantomime and markets.  This needs to be paid by PARENTPAY online or PAYPOINT by 6th December latest  Please see the office if you need assistance registering for PARENTPAY.

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