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Y6 Visit to Christ The King

To see more of the exciting activities that Year 6 have been doing at Christ The King High School , visit


We cooked some amazing Melting Moments. Please see Recipe below : 



70G Self Raising Flour 

40G Caster Sugar 

50G Margarine

20G Crushed Rice Crispies




1. Pre heat oven to 180'C

2. Cream margarine & sugar till light and fluffy

3. Fold in self raising flour

4. Roll out & cut into 16 even sized pieces

5. Roll into balls and coat using crushed rice crispies

6. Place onto baking tray and flatten using a fork

7. Bake for 15 minutes until golden brown

8. Place on a cooling rack

9. Place into a container


and enjoy smiley 



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