Home Page

Year 1B

Mr Nickeas

Welcome to Year 1B!


My name is Mr Nickeas and I am the class teacher for 1B. I hope you have all had an amazing summer and I am excited to be working with you and your children.  Our teaching assistant is Mrs Emilia, who will help and support the learning in our classroom. We use Class Dojo to communicate with parents and you can send me messages via Dojo if necessary; it also translates into over 30 languages!  I am usually available at the end of the school day and if you ever have any questions or concerns, please feel free to come and speak to me!


Our Learning Journey:


English: In English this half term we will be focusing on thinking of and writing sentences with the correct punctuation.  We will then look at the story of 'Lost and Found'.

Maths: In Maths this half term, our units will cover place value to 10, before moving onto place value to 20.  We will also be working to develop our counting and mental maths skills.

Topic: Our topic for Autumn 1 is looking at our local area in Geography where we will learn all about the physical and human features of Preston. We will also be going on a walk around our local area.

Design and Technology (DT): We will be designing, making and evaluating a fruit salad.

Science: In Science we will be learning all about 'Materials'. We will look at a variety of materials, discover the properties of these materials and investigate what these materials could be used for.

RE: In RE we are going to be exploring a unit called 'Creation and Covenant'.

Computing: In Computing we’re covering the 'Online Safety' and 'Grouping and Sorting' units on Purple Mash.





PE will be on a Wednesday afternoon. Please make sure your child has their full PE kit, including pumps, in school each week. Please ensure your child’s PE kit has their name on the labels. This will help everyone in the classroom and at home.


Homework will be given out on a Friday. Please can this be returned on a Wednesday.


Reading Books will be sent home each night please can you read with your child each night and sign their home reading diary. It is important that the children do lots of reading at home to help them with their phonics, reading and writing in school.


Your child can bring a water bottle into school with water only.



In year 1 we have daily phonics lessons which will progress at a speed suitable for each child. A helpful way to help children improve with their phonics at home is to read daily with them. If you would like additional support for your child’s phonics journey there are lots of helpful videos online. I would recommend the following: RWI Speed Sounds (Set 2 & 3)


Mr Nickeas and Mrs Emilia.

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